Sometimes though very rarely it happens that you feel very Nostalgic on a Incident or if you happen to hear a Song. Songs are a very good way to get into the Past Memories . Similarly Photos can give you such Feelings .and I do not like such feeling at all , it makes me feel as if i am too Weak.Some Nostalgic Moments are funny , Some are Irritating , But Some are so Emotional that makes us Cry ..
You Feel like Just Crying and You try to forget those memories But they are so Sticky that No Matter how hard you try , They will Haunt you more and more.Oh I Reeeely Hate that ..
Yesterday , I had no work so I happened to read my Old Scraps in Orkut . I felt as if time has slipped off so quickly . I was so different 3 years ago and how I am now , completely changed .I also was going through mails ,
I came accross few Chain Mails with some of my friends and then I thought how I Lost them over a Period of Time .its not that I am feeling bad or i am cursing myself that why did I loose them , I was just thinking how few people become so important for a Phase of time that we stop thinking our life without them and how we get away from those people and still live our life , sometimes in their memories and sometimes with a longing to get the better person.
I happened to hear few of very very old songs and i could remember how attached i used to feel with them before that I used to just keep on listening a single song the whole day without a pause.
I have Heard that If you feel bad about something , Write that in a Piece of Paper and then Trash it and Your Mmrories will be Gone for ever . I dont know But nothing like that happened with me so far . I Dont Remeber things when I actually try to or when I need to , But all of a Sudden I remember few things that I never want to ..
I want to know why do we get such feeling , what hormone is released that makes us get that feeling , or which part , which hormone causes such Feeling …