Saturday, February 14, 2009

Boys = Dogs ..

The finest and the wildest species of Dogs found in the World are 'Boys'.They would hurt U from ur roots.The biggest 'Liers ' found on earth.They lack Guts.They are afraid of speaking Truth ..

Being friend ,they would cheat U by laughing on the pain u share with them..

Being best friends ,they would cheat U by Immitating that they are the ones who cares for U a LOT.

Being boyfriends ,they would cheat U by sleeping around every night with diferent gurls and would make U beleive that they are the 'saints' .

Being a Husband ,They  are ashamed of letting other people know that they are married,would potray to the whole world that  they are single and are so emotionally weak.They would dream about other gurls,would chat with all the Single gurls and would show their wife themselves as if they are the 'Biziest ' person in the whole world.

Never Trust them to lead a Healthy life.Infact i wold contradict myself here ,Dogs are much better than them.Atleast a Dog in your house would be 'URS' and would be loyal with you till their last breath..

However like everything Exceptions are there ,But I dint find them so No views on this..

HATE boys and Happy Valentines day .....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Few Tips 2 B HAPPY .................

Eat breakfast every morning:  For me breakfast (break- fast) is something which consists of small, short and quick meals, so have breakfast between every meal and quite very often, your stomach has a direct link with your brain, till the time you have food in your stomach your brain will be active and hence you will be happy…       :)

Practice good dental hygiene: Good teeth are the reason of having a good heart. So, always keep a Tooth pick around. After every meal, dig your tooth with the tooth pick and maintain your healthy teeth.  .  :D  Healthy teeth means a good smile, indirectly people around you will be happy and ultimately you are also happy……          :)

Join a Book Club:  I have started noticing that people have started reading more and more books. So you can join a book club, Steal the books and donate it to your friends, they will bless you and you will be happy ultimately…     :D

Get Out of the House: Always tucked in bed and just keeping your self ONLY in the house would make you a BIG BORE. Get out ….       :D

Never get in and you will always feel refreshed and energetic.

Start a Blog: Spark a online discussion (Like most of already do here) with the topics so that your fellow bloggers should start breaking their lcd screens or heads in anger…       :D

Call Old Friends  : Incase you think you have not spoken to your old friends and you still have their number stored in your cell, Just call them up now and abuse them ,It will be a change for you and for them as well  .      :D

Host a Party  : At this time of recession when nobody would like to over spend ,You can do something different ,go to ‘Sabzi mandi’ after the trading hours ,when nothing is left for you to buy and for them to sell, at that time they just throw the wastage ,you can collect the same and with your innovative ideas ,you can prepare a new dish ,show your cooking skills ..      :D

Stop Taking things Personally: Never take anything personally .Just let people abuse you and you can keep the cotton buds to let them speak. Incase people around you are over expressive ,you can wear goggles painted black to avoid seeing them their actions ….      :D

Ask for a raise  : You can smash yourself or the other person( your choice)  ,But ask for the raise ,You are the only reason that your company is earning revenew,You should be only paid ,why others have to take your share ..     :D

Keep your inbox empty: Most of us keep the pending work in the inbox so that they can quickly cross check what is pending for them, to be happier ,to can delete all the mails as soon as they get on in your inbox and be assured that you have completed your work very well ..     :D
Note : This is just imagination and some emails are moulded , Please DO NOT FOLLOW the description part but you can FOLLOW the headings to actually be happy      :-P